Opening and Closing Prayers in Sivananda Yoga

Andrea Bobby

Andrea is a teacher and lifelong practitioner of Classical Yoga. Born in Thanjavur, India, she now resides in Ontario, Canada with her partner and their two German Shepherds. As the founder of BODY MIND LIGHT, she strives to propagate the authentic, original wisdom of Yoga to the world through her ONLINE SHOP and her CLASSES & MEDITATIONS. Read more...

8 Responses

  1. Dee says:

    As a student of yoga myself this was such a lovely post, thank you. I often struggle with creating an intention at the beginning of my yoga practice. And the downloads are beautiful.

  2. Vince says:

    Such lovely words Andrea. Its nice to see these prayers translated and thank you for sharing. I’ll be using these in tonight’s meditation

  3. Israel says:

    Hi Andrea!

    I’ve been meaning to start meditating for a long time. I used to do it, and I can even remember when I stopped doing it.

    I really think that it would be great for me to eliminate negative thoughts from my life.

    I’m gonna put this prays in practice for sure! Thanks a lot for the inspiration 🙂

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