

A Free Guided Meditation for Sleep

In the pursuit of holistic well-being, we often emphasize the significance of yoga, meditation and mindfulness practices. However, one aspect...

Palming for the Eyes 4

Palming for the Eyes

Many traditional schools of yoga, including Sivananda, incorporate yoga for the eyes at the beginning of the session to set...

Benefits of Anuloma Viloma 23

The Benefits of Anuloma Viloma

Anuloma Viloma, also known as Nadi Shodhana or Alternate Nostril Breathing, is an essential practice in classical Hatha Yoga. Before delving...

Twelve Basic Yoga Poses 24

The Twelve Basic Yoga Poses

In Sivananda Yoga, the twelve basic yoga poses form the foundation for a complete and balanced practice. These asanas benefit...

Surya Namaskar in Sivananda Yoga 28

Surya Namaskar in Sivananda Yoga

The Sun Salutation, or Surya Namaskar in Sivananda Yoga is a flowing repetition of postures that follows the traditional Hatha Yoga method....