The Secret Benefits of Hot Water, Lemon and Turmeric

Maintaining a healthy digestive system is essential to achieving optimal health. Our energy, immunity, mood, skin, quality of sleep and metabolism all depend on the state of our gastrointestinal tracts. Even the great Greek physician, Hippocrates once said, “All disease begins in the gut.” So it is crucial to keep this area functioning well.
One of the simplest and most effective daily rituals to ensure a happy, healthy tummy is a refreshing cup of hot water, lemon and turmeric first thing in the morning. As a regular practice, this routine detoxifies the entire body, maintains its proper digestive functions and leads to effective weight management.
The Benefits
Hot Water
The ancient science of Ayurveda has long since promulgated the benefits of drinking hot or very warm water on an empty stomach. Unlike cold water that constricts and hardens, hot water soothes and loosens. It relaxes the abdominal muscles and easily breaks down foods in the gastrointestinal tract. This facilitates the digestive process, flushes out toxins and aids in the elimination of wastes.
Lemons are excellent sources of Vitamin C, bioflavonoids and calcium. Known to boost immunity, reduce cholesterol, cleanse the liver, regulate metabolism and support weight loss, this revitalizing citrus fruit also acts as a potent antibiotic, antihistamine and antiviral agent.
Over the years, lemons have not only been used for culinary purposes, but also in aromatherapy, skincare, sanitation, and even as a natural medicine.
Among all the healing spices and herbs, turmeric is considered to be a ‘super spice’ as it contains strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Studies show that the curcumin found in this spice can be used to prevent and treat cancer, heart disease, depression, arthritis, diabetes and Alzheimer’s.
In Eastern cultures, turmeric is mixed in hot tea to treat colds and breathing problems. It is also applied to wounds and cuts to promote healing. And for generations, Indian women have used it on their faces for clear skin, even pigmentation and a radiant complexion.
1 Cup Hot water
½ Fresh Lemon
¼ Tsp Ground Turmeric
Squeeze the juice of the lemon into a cup. Sprinkle in the turmeric. Add the hot water. Stir and drink.
Optional: Add a dash of cinnamon, which is an excellent source of antioxidants; a pinch of chopped ginger to calm the stomach; and/or ½ teaspoon of honey for sweetness.
Afterwards, make sure you swish some water around in your mouth to remove any residue of spices or lemon.
Are there any other healthy morning routines you recommend? Leave your comments below.
Andrea, this is quite easy to make; and the health benefits are clear for all to see.
Thank you for sharing this recipe
You’re welcome!
Hi Andrea,
Thanks for the great recipe! I have taken Turmeric by itself and know how powerful it can be so I am very excited to try this one. Digestive health is so important and sadly, I think many people overlook it. I currently use psyllium husk, which I take at night, and it helps a lot but it can improve. Currently, I use a greens powder first thing in the morning which contains probiotics and I find that it helps a ton as well. This will be a great addition I think. I will definitely share this with a few friends!
I haven’t used Pyllium Husk myself, but I hear that it is an excellent source of fiber.
And yes, digestive health is so important and yet not discussed enough! I”m glad I could introduce a new morning routine for you. Let me know how it goes!
Hey Andrea, This recipe is so simple. Can I drink it on an empty stomach?
Yes, you’re supposed to drink it on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning. 🙂
Hi Andrea, this is a very detailed and informative post. Thank you! I will certainly get the ingredients and try this out. Thank you for your time writing about this topic and sharing these health benefits. I’ve learned something new.
You’re very welcome Edith!
Hi Andrea,
I have been drinking a mixture of lemon water and turmeric a few times a week for over 7 months now. I really enjoy it first thing in the morning just like you stated in the article. It has helped me get off to a great start in the morning and has set my stomach up for a great day! Plus, it’s nice to share a warm cup of goodness together with a loved one first thing in the morning!?
Thank you for sharing this wonderful information!!!
Nothing better than sharing warmth and goodness with a loved one!
Thanks for your lovely comments!
I’m trying this tonite as I speak for the first time I don’t know what to expect.
I have taken the formula. I await to see. It is 7:40 pm. Thanks
Is it good to lower cholesterol
Lemons are known to lower cholesterol levels, yes!
Thank you for the recipe. the health benefits are numerous from what I’ve read. Can it also aid in weight loss?
Lemons do aid in weight loss, yes. 🙂
Hi Andrea, Can you add chia seeds to this hot water / lemon / turmeric drink
I would rather avoid it as chia seeds absorb multiple times their weight of the liquid they are in, and it’s best not to change the properties.