10 Inspiring New Years Yoga Quotes

As the calendar turns its page to a new year, it marks not only the passage of time but also an opportunity for personal and spiritual renewal. In this season of fresh beginnings, many find solace and motivation in inspiring spiritual sayings, proverbs and New Year’s yoga quotes that resonate with the essence of hope, reflection, and growth. These quotes, often rooted in timeless wisdom and profound insights, serve as guiding lights, prompting us to contemplate our journeys, set intentions, and embrace the transformative power of the year ahead.
As we continue to evolve and improve in the coming year, these words become beacons of inspiration, encouraging us to elevate our spirits, deepen our connections, and embrace the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.
“In the beginning there was Desire, which was the first seed of mind.”
— The Rig Veda

“The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep.”
— Jalaluddin Rumi, Sufi Mystic

“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds. Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world.”
— The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

“Train your senses to be obedient. Regulate your activities to lead you to the goal. Hold the reins of your mind as you hold the reins of restive horses.”
— The Upanishads

“Adhere to: Faith, unity and sacrifice.
Avoid: Back-biting, falsehood and crookedness.
Admire: Frankness, honesty and large-heartedness.
Control: Tongue, temper, and tossing of the mind.
Cultivate: Cosmic love, forgiveness and patience.
Hate: Lust, anger, and pride.”
— Swami Sivananda, Indian Spiritual Leader

“Reshape yourself through the power of your will; never let yourself be degraded by self-will. The will is the only friend of the Self; and the will is the only enemy of the Self.”
— The Bhagavad Gita

“However many holy words you speak, however many you read, what good will they do you if you do not act on them?”
— The Dhammapada

“There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow; so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live.”
— Dalai Lama, Spiritual Leader

“As all the towering trees do not bear fruits until their due season, one’s tireless efforts won’t be successful until the time of fortune arrives.”
— Saint Avvaiyar, Tamil Poetess

Thank you for these wonderful quotes. For years my adult children have suggested I practice yoga and I finally took a very beginner class while visiting them this Christmas. I found out what I have been missing and plan on doing more. All the best.
All the best for your practice, Myles! Happy New Year!
Hi Andrea,
This is a very inspiring post and I thank you for the breath of fresh air as we start a new year. I will have to try out some of the 10 inspiring new years yoga quotes and really put them into practice.
It is true that we become our thoughts leading to actions. Those looking to alter their perception of life, simply isolate one thought at a time when it involuntarily occurs, and replace it with its opposite.
In time, they will all become replaced with positive thinking, because opposites only cancel out the other – i.e. – truth can not exist where there is untruth. So think positively and this is the secret to changing one’s mindset as inspired by the information found in such excellent works in the world.
Than you kindly for sharing this information Andrea as I know it really will help others to begin their own thought reversal in time.
Steady application will yield a healthier mindset, if applied consistently, in about two weeks.
Thanks for your insight Philip! Have a happy new year!
I have been reading about Yoga but I haven’t really tried it, maybe its about time.
thank you for the quotes, very powerful.
They are indeed. Happy New Year, Rose!
People are so busy and distracted with technology these days that we forget that everything that’s worth realizing and learning about life has been realized millenniums ago. Some of that wisdom has been passed on down the generations and some has been lost to resurface again at some point in time. I have no idea how old some of these quotes are but they are definitely timeless wisdom. I enjoyed reading these, thank you!
Well put, Jukka! Thanks for sharing your views. I’m glad you enjoyed reading them! 🙂
Hi Andrea. Thanks for sharing these timeless pieces of wisdom. True wisdom is timeless and never goes out of fashion as can be realized by the age of some of these quotes. I particularly resonated with numbers 4, 7 and 8 which together teach us to train our senses to be obedient, so that we can act appropriately to attain our goals in the present moment!
Yes, part of sticking with our resolutions is discipline, will-power and being in the present moment. These quotes certainly reinforce those attributes, don’t they?
Thanks for sharing, Andrew!
This is such wonderful list of quotes thank you.
“We do not belong to the past dawns, but to the noons of the future.”
This one resonates the most with my current situation, I have been thinking so much what has happened to me over the years and how it could have been different. Even as I write this I feel like I have stopped living for a better tomorrow. I hope I get to live soon.
Great article!!! Thank you for this lovely compilation of inspiring quotes!!! You have such a wonderful website!!!
Thank you!
Love these quotes to start the new year!