The Song of Arati

Andrea Bobby

Andrea is a teacher and lifelong practitioner of Classical Yoga. Born in Thanjavur, India, she now resides in Ontario, Canada with her husband-to-be and their two German Shepherds. As the founder of BODY MIND LIGHT, she strives to propagate the authentic, original wisdom of Yoga to the world through her ONLINE SHOP and her CLASSES & MEDITATIONS. Read more...

4 Responses

  1. Aly says:

    I enjoy practicing yoga, and sometimes, even just being mindful is a very healing experience. This is a beautiful prayer! I have four little ones, so do you have any recommendations for how I can practice at home but still have the same experience as being in a studio?

  2. Yvonne says:

    Thanks for sharing about Arati. Is this ritual practiced all over the world? I’ve always wanted to try yoga but haven’t found the time to. Is there any simple yoga practice that I can do at home?

    • Andrea Bobby says:

      You’re welcome Yvonne! Yes, Arati is a ritual that is practiced all over the world, particularly in Hindu communities and within ashrams.
      And there are definitely simple practices that you can do at home. It might be a good idea to join a class first and see if there are any specific recommendations that apply to you. After that, you can practice safely at home. Enjoy!

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