Top 10 Quotes by Swami Sivananda

Quotes by Swami Sivananda

Andrea Bobby

Andrea is a teacher and lifelong practitioner of Classical Yoga. Born in Thanjavur, India, she now resides in Ontario, Canada with her family. As the founder of BODY MIND LIGHT, she strives to propagate the authentic, original wisdom of Yoga to the world through her ONLINE SHOP and her CLASSES & MEDITATIONS. Read more...

14 Responses

  1. Owain says:

    These are some great quotes. I particularly liked quote 4. That is so true that it kindles or grows hate rather. The problem is to let it go. I will remember this quote whenever I do feel this way. Thank you.

  2. Becka says:

    Two quotes I really relate with #9 “Don’t fear the darkness if you carry the light within.” and #10 “You are the Master of your own Destiny.” Both of these resound very loud and true with me.

  3. Mira says:

    Hi Andrea,
    I really enjoyed reading your post! I love quotes and you have some very good ones here. I especially liked the last one, “You are the master of your own destiny.” It is so true. You can blame everything and everyone around you, but in the end everything is on you. If you’re not happy with where you are in life, than change it. Thank you for sharing this!

  4. Brandon says:

    Wow, awesome. I love looking at quotes, and these ones seem to be great. I really like the power and message behind number 10, because in essence, it IS true. We are the creators of our destiny, the sooner people realize that the easier it will be for them to start carving out their end-game, which is what they will have accomplished at the end of their life.

    This is a great post and definitely an eye-opener, so thank you so much!

    Take care,

  5. Wow! – I absolutely love this quote post!

    I’m not sure If I have a favorite one among these, it’s like going to a buffet with so many options of beautiful food to choose from and you cannot make up your mind, you know what I mean =)

    Thanks, I have added this post to bookmarks so I can return to it often.

  6. Demi says:

    Such uplifting thoughts. If filled me with positivity. I liked the last one “You are the Master of your own Destiny.” It’s so true and very inspiring. I would surely come back to your site for more positive thoughts.

  7. Kien says:

    Nice work Andrea,
    I love number 1 and number 7: self control and knowledge always take you far. Thanks for sharing!

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